Thursday, December 4, 2008


1) Do you think you're hot ?

Jawapan ala2 malu dan humble, sometimes hahaha

2) Upload your favourite picture of you!

3) Why do you like that picture?

Coz i look so gorgeous

4) When was the last time you ate pizza ?

I cant't remember

5) The last song you listen to?

If i were a boy-by beyonce

6) What are you doing right now besides this ?

Thinking about my thesis

7) What name would you prefer besides yours?

I love my name and proud of it

People to tag :

1. Noniey
2. Su (epsilon)
3. Jet
4. Intan
5. Kak Nizar

8) Who is number one ?
Lecturer Engineering yang kaya

9) Number three is having a relationship with?
her TUNANG (Si Ikan buntal)

10) Say something about number five?
My sis yang dah berpindah ke bumi org.

11) How about number four?
My friend yang tengah pregnant

12) Who is number two?

My friend kat epsilon.


Neeza Shahril said...

Tini, akak baru jawab tag yang sama oleh lieyn.. jadi, tak yah jawab lagi lah kan hehee..

Selamat Pengantin Baru ya.. semoga berbahagia hingga keakhir hayat..

Kamarul n Hartini said...

tak yah ler, ksian kak nieza

noniey said...

banyak lah ko aku kaya. ramai lagi orang paling kaya kat zeta tu. contohnya, orang yang dapat duit kutu tiap2 bulan. hehehe. kaya aku ni, tak sekaya ko tini...